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Exterior Manhole Chimney Rehabilitation Featured in Midwest Journal of Trenchless Technology

Exterior Manhole Chimney Rehabilitation Featured in Midwest Journal of Trenchless Technology We're very proud to be featured in the article "Protecting Infrastructure Inside & Out" in the most recent Midwest Journal of Trenchless Technology, the publication of the Midwest Society for Trenchless Technology (MSTT).  The publication advances MSTT efforts to promote greater understanding and use of trenchless technology methods throughout the Midwest. The article highlighted a unique project that Midwest Infrastructure Coatings, one of our certified installers with a service territory of Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas, and Kansas, began for the city of Independence, Missouri.  The city has been actively working to address the I&I issues of some of its 14,700 manholes for the past 20 years, especially the brick and block-built ones whose structural integrity was failing.  After several other products were unsuccessful, they turned to OBIC and Midwest Infrastructure to secure exposed exteriors and interiors of

2024-03-01T11:13:44-05:00March 1st, 2024|Educational|

OBIC Launches Polyurethane Grouting Sealant Line and E-Commerce Store

OBIC Launches Polyurethane Grouting Sealant Line and E-Commerce Store At OBIC, we have earned a reputation for our industry-leading lining system that prevents leaks from occurring.  What is not so well known is that our lining system will not adhere to running water, so we first had to become experts in the science of stopping leaks. The OBIC line of hand-injected and pump-injected polyurethane grouts is uniquely designed to stop even the toughest leaks.  Not only do we use them in all of our water and wastewater rehabilitation projects, but they are also available for customers to purchase at our online store.  OBIC grouts do not require professional installation and are available for purchase to anyone looking to stop fast leaks, slow leaks, and everything in between.  Zero experience is required, and after receiving an installation how-to sheet, anyone can successfully install OBIC grouts. Dustin Schlachter, CEO

2024-02-06T15:49:22-05:00February 6th, 2024|Educational|
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