OBIC Products Expands Its Global Footprint to India

Global Leader in the Development and Manufacturing of Coatings and Linings for the Rehabilitation and Life Extension of Wastewater Utility, Commercial and Industrial Infrastructure Now Operating In India

OBIC LLC (Bryan, Ohio USA), is pleased to announce the expansion of its global presence with the establishment of its new sister company, OBIC Solutions, Pvt. Ltd. based in Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India.

OBIC decided to enter the Indian market as they saw a need for high quality waterproofing, rehabilitative and protective coating and lining solutions in one of the fastest growing economies in the world. “We wanted to be a partner in rehabilitating and rescuing aging infrastructure, protecting it for the long term and defending it against costly failures,” shares Dustin Schlachter, CEO and Founder of OBIC LLC.

The firm will be collaborating with other key Indian entities and noteworthy innovators in the field of infrastructure and polymers. TUIT Infratech of Bangalore, KA, and its business development and marketing team, will be assisting OBIC Solutions with market education, promotion and sales. Annand Khanna, PhD, Professor Emeritus of IIT Bombay will be OBIC’s technical advisor, helping the firm with product innovation, developing new products and manufacturing in-country in ISO 9000 facilities under the Make In India initiative.

“We were excited to partner with OBIC Solutions to help them with their market entry because we could see their commitment to providing sustainable solutions to keep infrastructure above and below ground in optimum condition, as well as having a strong desire to see Indian companies thrive, all while saving them time and energy, “ shares Vivek Chaturvedi, Managing Director of TUIT Infratech Pvt. Ltd.

The OBIC Solutions product range includes the patented OBICCool line of nano enhanced waterproofing coatings, solar heat reflective roof coatings that not only provide excellent protection against India’s harsh climates but also reduce energy costs for cooling and its flagship products OBIC 1000 and OBIC 5000 that provide cost-effective long-term methods for rehabilitating and extending the life of water and wastewater utility as well as industrial infrastructure.

“The technology that we will be introducing is relatively new to the Indian market and has incredible potential compared to what has been available for decades,” says Joshua Reed, Managing Director of OBIC Solutions, Pvt. Ltd. “These types of solutions will be essential to preserve structures and improve business productivity, so that’s why we’re so excited to be part of India’s continuing growth and helping it to thrive and succeed in the global market.”

More information can be found online at or by emailing