Who Has the Best Warranty in Manhole Rehabilitation?
Did you know that our professionally-installed OBIC Armor multi-layer system is backed by a 10-year manufacturer and applicator warranty? During a recent trade show where we were an exhibitor, we were asked WHY we offer a 10-year warranty on our multi-layer OBIC Armor System. We thought this was an unusual way to phrase the question since, typically, it’s something more akin to “tell me about your 10-year warranty”. We responded that the system has a 50-year design life and it performs so well, (although issues do occur) that we have very few warranty call backs. The lady nodded and asked for a follow-up contact, so we guess that she was satisfied with the interpretation.
So, as the lady asked, why do we offer a 10-year warranty on our OBIC Armor System? Let’s delve in a bit deeper.
By definition, a warranty is a written guarantee, issued to the purchaser of an article by its manufacturer, promising to repair or replace it, if necessary, within a specified period of time.
It seems that most companies offer a warranty because it’s required. Car manufacturer “A” provides a 3-year warranty because car manufacturer “B” provides a 3-year warranty. Television manufacturer “A” provides a 12-month warranty because television manufacturer “B” provides a 12-month warranty. But the decision to provide a 10-year product and application warranty for our multi-layer OBIC Armor System is completely voluntary, not required.
It is our way of calling attention to the Dedication, Respect, Integrity, Vision, Excellence and Nobility (DRIVEN) principles of our company as well as the attributes, durability, and enduring quality of the product itself. We routinely explain that the product stops infiltration, prevents corrosion, restores the surface, and provides some structural enhancements, etc. But that is pretty much what all the competitors say about their product. So how does the customer differentiate between suppliers?
Historically, the industry standard for coatings and linings has been a 1-year warranty. OBIC believes there should be some correlation between lining system performance and the provider’s willingness to support it. If a product is really the best, the warranty support should reflect that support. And OBIC is the best! It’s also important to note that it’s not a limited warranty like other companies offer. When we finish a manhole, we date stamp it to start the warranty protection period. If you forget about the paperwork, it’s there in plain sight etched in the manhole. The buck stops here. If we did the work, you call us and we take care of you.
Long story short – we believe in our products so much that we include a 10-year warranty on professionally installed products.
OBIC is committed to providing our customers and communities with high quality, cost-effective water and wastewater structure rehabilitation solutions. Unlike replacement projects, using OBIC for manhole linings or sewer pipe coatings requires minimal disruption to services or traffic flow. Learn more about OBIC by contacting us at info@obicproducts.com or calling 866-636-4854. Our team will be happy to answer any questions about your next project.