Join OBIC in Celebrating World Trenchless Day on September 28!

Join OBIC in Celebrating World Trenchless Day on September 28! Celebrated on the fourth Thursday of September, World Trenchless Day serves as a global celebration that shines a spotlight on the many benefits of trenchless technology in underground infrastructure. Here are just some of trenchless technology's benefits: 1. Safety Trenchless methodology is a substantial advantage versus open-cut construction methods.  Although OSHA regulations assure trench protection and fall arrest systems, the absence of excavation eliminates those issues altogether.  Another safety item that benefits from trenchless methods is the potential for traffic accidents, especially accidents from workers performing their duties along roadways with active traffic present.  In the case of a manhole rehabilitation, a trenchless rehab job might take 3 or 4 hours versus an excavation project that might have traffic disrupted for multiple days, resulting in increased safety exposure. 2. Economics Trenchless projects are generally less expensive for